Covid-19 SOPs for Students Attending College

With reference to re-opening of schools amid Covid-19 pandemic, it is suggested that the following instructions regarding SOPs to be followed by the students within the BCA premises.

“Students must;

1. Wear a mask during school hours and carry an additional mask in their bags.

2. Get their temp checked at the entrance.

3. Bring and use their own hand sanitizers.

4. Maintain social distancing of at least 6ft.

5. Bring their own lunch and water bottles.

6. Bring their own stationery.

7. Not share their belongings with anyone.

8. Regularly wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer.

9. Not attend school if there is a suspected case of covid-19 at their homes.

10. Not attend school if they are experiencing any symptoms of covid-19.

11. Cooperate with school management for smooth implementation of Covid19 prevention SOPs.

Introduction Medical Officer BCA

Dr. Hina Imran is an experienced Public Health Professional with a demonstrated history of conceiving and leading numerous Public Health projects involving Health advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation. Currently, as a School Health Consultant, she is responsible for establishing School Health Services for Bahria College Anchorage Islamabad comprising of over 4000 students and staff as per the WHO school health framework.

Dr. Hina Imran
Medical Officer BCA